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In My Head

This is for the people who struggle every day.

Turmoil unknown because it’s hidden by the smile on your face. I’ve walked into many rooms with a grin to disguise my pain. All the while, every part of me screaming that I’m not okay.

I’ve had people say, “It’s all in your head, convince yourself you’re alright and you will be just fine.”

Anxiety. Depression. Disorders that are far from pretend.

They’re right though. It is a war going on inside my head. A daily battle to survive. They don’t realize I am clawing my way out, fighting for my life.

Tell someone. Talk. Don’t hold it all inside.

How many times can you confide in another, only to be met by an uncomfortable look in their eyes?

People don’t know how to respond when you tell them you want to die; then try to explain maybe it’s not that you’ve lost the will to live, you’ve just run out of tears to cry.

Hang in there. It’ll get better. Time will heal your hurt.

I’m sorry but that is the biggest fallacy I have ever heard.

It doesn’t go away we just simply grow accustomed to the pain; then somehow gather the strength to live another day.

You’re worried about me? I’m worried too. If you’ve never known this agony, I pray you never do.

I am not trying to take away from the beauty of this life. I feel that living through it all is incredible, I do.

Wishing only that the person putting on a front while dying inside, will know that you are not alone.

I’m fighting this fight too.