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Never Alone

It’s true what they say, you know.

God meets you where you are. Especially in the storms when you can’t see him or feel him at all. When you’ve pushed him so far away, you’re sure he will never be near to you again.

It is then.

When I look back, it is so evident that in those darkest moments, it was God alone who carried me through. I hope you know he will carry you too. If you are drowning in grief while looking for a way to continue on. Please know that it’s okay to be happy again. You are not in some way betraying the dead, although sometimes that’s how it feels. Trust me, they’d want you to find the will to live.

It’s scary. Each step, terrifying.

Incomprehensible really. How the world keeps moving and everyone around continues to live. Yet it does and they do… One day. One moment. One single breath at a time.

I promise that’s the only way we survive.

God meets me where I am in the midst of my fear to simply remind me that he’s still here. Still holding me, still loving me, still forgiving me entirely. Even after all the things I’ve done while fighting for the will to keep on.

Sometimes when I’m standing in my kitchen: laughter, children bickering, and dinner aromas in the air. A quiet, almost whisper, reminds my spirit that everything is okay. We are alright. Somehow, we made it to our safe place.

Even here at this moment I know, this is it, I found a home.

Please know, you too will find a place where you are safe. A space that feels like home. Each breath will feel less suffocating and when you look back, I only hope you somehow know…

You were never, not for one moment, alone.