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Slow Down My Love

Mommy I want to be big like you

So, I can do anything I want to.

Lipstick, perfume, high heel shoes…

It looks so glamorous being you.

Slow down my love,

I know these things seem fun.

You’ll be grown before you know it,

Quick as a blink…

Life goes much faster than you think.

I want to buy things and grow tall.

I want a house and kids of my own.

When can I drive a car too?

Daddy, I just want to be like you…

Slow down my love, please understand,

it’s so much harder than what you’ve planned.

Dream big, work hard, grow tall…

Be anything you want to, anything at all.

But for now, be little, stay here with me, be small…

Just let me hold and love you,

Protect you from it all.